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The story of Li Lan is an old folktale told in China. The story tells about a girl named Li Lan who lived in the capital city. One day, while she was passing by a park, she saw an acrobat performing aerial acts on top of the trees. It was so beautiful that she could not help but sit down to watch from below. She saw a boy watching from below too, and when the acrobat finished his show, she asked him for his name. However, he had no idea who or what she was referring to since he also did not know her own name. They decided to exchange names instead and at this point they became friends for life with each person going by one name only during their lifetime. They became so inseparable that they even decided to be married. She lived life with happiness right beside her friend, but the moment his family discovered them they were threatened with death. The reason they wanted her dead was because she is a member of the royal family and is worth more dead than alive. The re-telling of this story starts off years later, when Li Lan’s 16-year-old daughter is sent to the next town over to be sent to an arranged husband which she knows nothing about. Her beloved mother begs her not to leave her but her duty is greater than her duty towards her mother. She leaves for her arranged husband, supposedly to await him in the garden. The second part of the story starts off with a boy who is getting ready for his wedding. He is an orphan raised by his grandfather and has no idea what he does. He helps around the house with chores and cooking, but that is it. He just wanted to marry someone that would love him back. When he goes into town one day to buy supplies for his wedding, he sees a girl sitting atop a wall in town looking down at her feet rambling something about how she left her mother because she was forced into marrying someone she had never met before. He immediately knew she was his beloved Li Lan’s daughter, even though they have never met before. The two of them go to the same village for their wedding. There are some twists and turns in the story as well as some romance towards the end. What happens later is revealed throughout the ending of the book, but without giving too much away at this time. The ending of the book has an epilogue that is written on a piece of paper. This really ties up all loose ends and keeps everyone on track with what happened to each character after their lives changed forever. This epilogue has some very emotional moments, especially when you find out what happened to all of the characters in each specific timeline. This story is great for anyone who likes to read stories with drama and life lessons woven throughout the story. It is definitely geared towards girls, but boys may enjoy it as well. If you are interested in reading this book, you might enjoy some of the other works done by Wang Shuo. Let's face it--There are many differences between China and America, but one thing that I think is very similar between our cultures is that we both have folklore stories passed down from generation to generation of families. cfa1e77820